By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 21:16 - United States

Today, I had to break up a fistfight between my wife and mother. Apparently, my mom heard that I finally got the great paying job of my dreams, and told my wife I'd finally kick her "useless ass to the curb." We have to spend the holidays together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 643
You deserved it 3 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could kick your mom to the curb and not invite her over for holidays.

ters19 10

That seems like something my family would do


It's impossible for me to tell from this FML if your mom is a monster-in-law or genuinely concerned about your wife. Either way she was way out of line for making a nasty comment like that to other people. If she has a problem with your wife, she needs to tell you straight up instead of acting like a child and running to other people.

superficialheart 11

That sucks, all my boyfriends parents have loved me, and I still receive birthday cards and presents off them from time to time. Let your mum know how much she means to you, love is something that doesn't disappear just because someone else doesn't agree with it. You get that.

faysophie 2

you don't have to spend the holidays together. No law says that. The law of I want to stay married dictates you now support your wife and give her any space she needs from this woman who clearly hates her. You also need to demand respect for your wife from your mum.

Wow I don't know if I was the only one, having only skimmed through the comments, but I found this FML really unclear - at first I thought the mother heard OP and his girlfriend talking about the new job, and that OP said he was going to kick his mother's ass to the curb (implying she lives with them or something) which led to mother becoming mad and taking it out on the gf. Then after reading a few comments I thought it might be that his mother heard them talking about the new job, then she went and told the girlfriend that OP was going to dump her. There are other options that make sense too.. ugh, this one was just very ambiguous...

Lizzy500 16

What's unclear? The guy got a new job. His mother heard he got a new job. His mother went up to his wife and told the wife to her face that the guy was going to divorce her useless ass now that he had a new job. Really, if you can't understand this, maybe you should pay more attention in English class.

Wow, really? I should 'pay more attention in English class'? That's really funny to me, but I'm not going to bother being an internet superhero and bragging about my scores. I will say, though, that if you act like a twelve year old then you're going to get treated like one. The issue with the phrasing in this FML is in its ambiguous nature. "Apparently, my mom heard that I finally got the great paying job of my dreams, and told my wife I'd finally kick her "useless ass to the curb." " Because there are two females being referenced, the word 'her' could mean either one. Also, there is a lack of reference to the speaker for kicking someone's useless ass to the curb. OP could have said that to his wife about his mother, which prompted the mother, who overheard, to confront the wife later. He could have said it to his wife directly, ie "you're history, I don't need you anymore now that I have this great job" which led to a clash later between the mother and the wife. The other option is where the mother has gone to the wife separately and told her that OP is going to get rid of her because of his new job. Any of these options DO make sense, and can be lifted from the phrasing, so don't spout crap about them being illogical. If you don't understand, maybe you should pay more attention in English class.

It's not ambiguous in the least, provided you use actual logic and comprehension. Why on earth would the wife get into a fist fight with the mother for referring to herself in that situation? That would make no sense whatsoever. Use your brain.

"Why on earth would the wife get into a fist fight with the mother for referring to herself in that situation?" ...what? I don't know what you mean with that one but there is nothing illogical or worthy of instant dismissal about the interpretation that OP told his wife he was done with [his wife] and then she's gone and fought about it with OP's mother, who for example may not like the wife. Assumptions about 'background information' like that are things you make with pretty much every FML, so don't act as though the interpretation you consider to be simplest is the only one that makes any sense.

Sounds like my mil. She's truly evil. I'd like to suckerpunch her face :)

Congrats on the job OP!! But I'm sorry to hear that your mum isn't accepting of your own decisions. :(

Your mom was the first woman in your life, but your wife is the one worth defending now. Tell your mom to show some respect for the love of your life.

wriptidez 0

well unless your wife is cheating on you.. then ur mom shouldnt of said that to her! Its ur marriage NOT your moms!!!! tell ur mom u love her but, to stay OUT of your marriage. I think u should tell ur mom this attitude of hers has to stop