By bethanygirl - 29/10/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, I had to cancel my birthday party because of snow. It's October. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have snow and I live in Canada

I didnt know you couldn't have a birthday party with snow..


bakerm113 0

Got stranded and hour away from my house with no cell crevice but on the plus side I got to go four wheeling with the people who let us use there house for shelter

DaMan25 4

That's why u should live in the south the coldest it got today was 45 which is nothing oh and btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY

CeeCee_fml 16

I feel ya. Snowing about 8-12 inches tonight and it isn't even Halloween. I live in the New England area and I have never witnessed no shit like this.

welcome to new England if don't like the weather just wait a minute

I'm in PA and we got at least 6 inches. This sucks!

nonaveragebeing 8
iluvcupkakes 0

Same. I mean the snow part it's not my birthday but happy birthday to you!!!! Maby you can rescedual it.

I love snow so I don't understand this FML at all lol an plus there's always snow on my birthday

oh my god YES.!! that's how I felt when I woke up to the goddamn snow.! Sorry about your bday though, FYL.

If it's any consolation, I had to cancel (well, postpone) my 7 year old daughter's birthday party for the same reason (here's to hoping that a half sheet cake will stay nice and fresh in the freezer for a week!). I too live in Pennsylvania - and it's still snowing as I type this!