By loving wife - 21/04/2013 10:20 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I had to convince my husband that I'm not having an affair all because I refused to have sex with him. Apparently the fact that I gave birth to our twins 10 days ago isn't a good enough reason to turn him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 337
You deserved it 7 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bree12345 15

FYL, your husband should be ashamed of himself for putting sex over your welbeing.


He didn't know that you should wait six weeks? With the feedings, diaper changes, waking up in the night, tiredness, would a person even be in the mood for sex?

Usually when your someone accuses their spouses of cheating, it means they are either cheating on the spouse, or they are self-conscious. But in your case he just sounds horny!

does he not realize it can be dangerous to jave sex so soon after having a baby, doctors recomend 8weeks and thats just if you have had a single child

brittany sword 11

he should be helping with the baby's instead of worrying about sex.