By loving wife - 21/04/2013 10:20 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I had to convince my husband that I'm not having an affair all because I refused to have sex with him. Apparently the fact that I gave birth to our twins 10 days ago isn't a good enough reason to turn him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 337
You deserved it 7 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bree12345 15

FYL, your husband should be ashamed of himself for putting sex over your welbeing.


thehonestone10 5

Well, ARE YOU having an affair? You certainly never denied it on here.... And yeah you should be nice and loose now, whats the problem? Or at least give him a BJ. If you're sexually avoiding him 100% then yeah its a littlee sketchy

_TheAtheist_ 10

What a bunch of dumb feminists. Posting about "tit for tat" rules and strict, exact equality, blah blah blah... It's not OK for him to pressure her for sex, or accuse her of having an affair. But neither is it okay for her to deny a ******* request on the basis "she isn't getting anything in return

So I'm a dumb feminist because I see the unfairness in having to pleasure a spouse, take care of/ feed two newborns constantly everyday, and juggling everything else? You say she shouldn't be pressured into sex yet your comment implies she's obliged to give a ******* just because she's been asked for sex ... Okay.

I'm really starting to wonder if he was there for the actual delivery.

first ,its a great thing to have Twins。 cute baby ,congradulations! second, i wanna say ,doctors say no sex for 2 months.

finch01 18

tell him it's okay you're ready for another batch of twins

Well you did have a doctor between your legs 10 days ago!

j3ebrules 13

Yeah, so what's your excuse for not giving your man a handy or bj if he sticks with you to meet his needs?

"if he sticks with you" so in your logic... if a man stays a woman should be there to pleasure him whenever, no matter what horrible thing she's going through or how big of a dick he is being.