By married life - 16/05/2013 05:58 - Canada - Coquitlam

Today, I had to explain to my husband why I was assuming that he was planning to attend my graduation ceremonies for my PhD next week. He still doesn't understand why he has to be there, and is pissed that he will miss his weekly pub crawl with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 569
You deserved it 5 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mynameislinh 24

Your husband has got his priorities all jumbled up.

Aren't husbands supposed to be supporting? He needs to get his priorities straight.


Most definitely know how you feel OP. My bf was exactly the same with my Bachelor Degree, didn't quite understand the significance of a graduation! I feel for you :(

Slavgaard 16

Least he knows where to find a doctor after she is done with him.

Xatraris 38

Doesn't make her a MD. she's just getting a PhD

But don't you realise how extremely important it is for him to go out, get shit-faced and hang out with his buddies?! ...

He's just setting you up, OP. He's gonna make you think he's not going to be there then run across the stage and grab your diploma!

It's all about you, isn't it? PhD? So you're smart, but, are you intelligent? Dump the loser, you know what he cares about most.

monnanon 13

i know how you feel op my bf didnt want to go to anything to do with my degree including thr end of year show. no big deal until he turned up because one of his friends decided to go becuase they kind of knee someone who had a display. hardly spoke to me at all.

Medd_fml 13

Your boyfriend sounds like he shouldn't be your boyfriend.

monnanon 13

that was one bad incident that i quickly sorted out. he hadnt thought he was doing anything wrong or being quiet with me and made it up to me. he hss been in full support at other big events in my life and i his so i can alliw him that screw up :)

Medd_fml 13

I don't know the fine details about your life, but as long as your happy and treated well, you're doing pretty dang good at life. :)

Medd_fml 13

He really could have saved that with: "But someone like you could get as many as they wanted. Do you expect me to be there for every single one?"

Well, he IS Canadian and those guys DO like their beer! This is either a case of misplaced priorities or OP, your husbands relationship with alcohol matters a LOT to him!!!! Doctor, dump the doche boy and heal thyself!!

As someone who has multiple degrees, I never demanded that anyone go to my graduations. That is mostly because the people in my life are supportive, and would go anyway. It really sucks that you aren't getting that support from your husband! :-(