By married life - 16/05/2013 05:58 - Canada - Coquitlam

Today, I had to explain to my husband why I was assuming that he was planning to attend my graduation ceremonies for my PhD next week. He still doesn't understand why he has to be there, and is pissed that he will miss his weekly pub crawl with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 569
You deserved it 5 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mynameislinh 24

Your husband has got his priorities all jumbled up.

Aren't husbands supposed to be supporting? He needs to get his priorities straight.


Tell your husband he'll be sleeping on the couch for awhile if he doesn't go also for good measure deny sex we women are like camels we can go months without it

Fooxie 6

Congrats on graduating and your husband sucks.

Thesmiles 3

If he doesn't want to come, maybe you'd be better off without him there

Perhaps both IQ and EQ are too far apart in this marriage for you guys to really be compatable...

Wow. You should tell him not to come to your graduation and not to come home after his pub crawl. Find someone who appreciates you.

And you are still married to this unsupportive doofus because? Maybe he'll get better with time; don't hold your breath though.

Op, you married the fool. Good luck trying to change the man or at least, change his priorities.

Your husband sounds just like Peter Griffin...I'm feel very sorry for you.

Why can't he reschedule? Or go after graduation? It's only one meeting...come on...he should step off...