By Anonymous - 01/01/2015 15:09 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my little brother that my pads were not in fact "big band-aids" and that he should probably remove them from his legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 183
You deserved it 3 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well both pads and band aids are used for bloody gashes..

What a silly kid... Everyone knows they go on the ams


hello... it was pretty hilarious to see him with several "big Band-Aids" covering his legs. I thought I had hidden them pretty well but I guess I was wrong. I just told him that those were band aids were for different kinds of injuries and that it wasn't a good idea to use them. He understood and removed them. This will be a great thing to tease and laugh about in the future.

Actually they can be used as such. If you got stabbed I would use those to plug the wound.

Well I guess you guys need to buy more band aids so he doesn't have to improvise. Creative though I do him that.

I did the same thing when I was younger. FML