By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my son that his dad was too busy in a raid on World of Warcraft to be at his award ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 456
You deserved it 39 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...


NotJesse 0

the dads just trying to emotionally strengthen his son


it's called an intervention. try it some time

princes1323 0

wow what a horrible man!!!! he needs help

Ok now I'm torn, the dad is probably trying to get first kill on the Lich King. I'm not completely sure if it justifies his action, but I'm sure that was an incredibly hard decision. Most of you wouldn't understand it, but it's not completely meaningless, even if it was pretty damn mean.

docinthemaking 0

That is sad. I just hope you break up with him before you have more kids with him.

dude i play the game. u dont know how it works dont judge