By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my son that his dad was too busy in a raid on World of Warcraft to be at his award ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 456
You deserved it 39 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...


Your poor son.. how selfish to pick pixels over your own flesh and blood. What is worse is you admit it's a problem, but do nothing to fix it.

boatkicker 4

Who said OP isn't doing anything about it? Just because she didn't RIGHT THEN doesn't mean she wont later. If OP had made a fuss, she could have been late to the ceremony. What's worse? One parent missing it, or two?

Pearljammer001 0

I guess this means no one else has ever heard cats in the cradle..... sad

Fminetoo 0

and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man on the moon.... I think those were the next lyrics. LOL, i cant believe i know that song, its way before my time.

boatkicker 4

When you coming home, son i dont know when

Your family should NEVER take a back seat to a stupid online game. Shame on you.

Cryzilla 0

they gave groups to join so he can quit his addiction... does he pee in bottles at the computer because going to the bathroom takes to much time?

camsham86 0

More like, F Y Son's Life. He has to grow up with an oaf for a father who is a terrible person.

That is extremely sad and your husband is a total jerk. Pull his WoW subscription for me, k ;D

voveraite 7

there are cases where trolling really isn't appropriate, this is one of them.

If he's horde, roll an alliance and pwn him. No, but seriously, WoW it's fun but some things are just more important, Ice Crown Citadel will still be there tomorrow.

sevlen 0
Warlord708 0

Blowing it up won't do crap.... you don't run it off a disk, you install it.... but should you happen to take the computer and hit him with it, well then the problems solved isn't it?

WhatDidYouSay0 0

thats horrible! what kind of dad is that?