By buster - 13/02/2009 08:06 - United States

Today, I had to give a speech on stage at a local preschool about fire safety. I'm 32 years old and passed out on stage because I felt extremely nervous and intimitated by a group of 4 year olds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 333
You deserved it 8 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i think i love you. wow. you made my morning

titenite88 0

At least someone can spell intimidating correctly...


necomni 0

Ouch, that sucks. Sorry, man. Hope you conquer this fear soon. :)

BrainDead_fml 0

Aw, poor thing. I just wanna hold you and tell you everything's gonna be alright. :3 I love little kids, I'd help you with your fear of children.

hahaha #15! Better be a pedophile than faint, right? fail at life...i understand older kids or people your own age...but kindergardeners? get long as you don't swear...

may_cause_fail 0

Take a speech class and conquer that fear! Public speaking really isn't that bad. :]

Damn dude that totally sucks, public speaking is def. tough no matter who your audience is. Good luck getting over that. Maybe some day I will to.

Zinc90 0

But they are 4 year old girls! Better luck next time!

writerajere 0

Could have been worse, at least you didn't set yourself on fire.

ShelbyG 0

Ohhh. God. 4 is a little too young lol If I had to talk infront of a whole bunch of people (9 yrs old or higher xD) I would start having a panic attack, I'd blush like crazy, beg to leave the room, Then, once alone, crawl in a hole and die of embarrasment.... D; I feel intimidated and embarrased just by someone looking at me :/