Icepick in the ears time
By Anonymous - 08/09/2012 11:38 - United States - Salem

By Anonymous - 08/09/2012 11:38 - United States - Salem
By lawoman27 - 01/07/2009 04:08 - United States
By Jololol - 17/05/2013 09:25 - United States
By glittercat - 26/01/2009 23:44 - United States
By Anon - 18/08/2010 04:30 - United States
By shawty - 22/08/2010 12:14 - Australia
By Anonymous - 25/05/2023 21:00 - United States - Kenton
By ItGirl - 09/11/2014 02:36 - Sweden - Eskilstuna
By wellthen - 24/08/2015 21:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/08/2012 06:00 - United States - Santa Fe
By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 05:56 - Canada
1- I'm not sure if you are serious or not but you may need help.
That's a double fyl. When you're having sex with your gf and she moans your name, does it make you think she's talking about your Dad?
Maybe he never did before, but now..
66: I did that once. It was even weirder than you'd think.
Was anyone else wondering whether or not OP is a boy or girl? That determines the amount of FML. No girl wants the same name as her dad.
Yeah and 76 i have a friend that is a girl who's name is Billy Joe. She doesnt even mind.
Well I know a lot of girls that HATE their names and are named after their dad. My point was that if she was a female named Grant (my Father's name for example), then the FML would be even worse because she has a man name that I, personally, would not be okay with if it was me.
I can definitely see how that would be disturbing. If I was you though OP I'd just try not to be ever in a position to hear my parents have sex!
Too far.
That is sick.
No, just no...
Nick, the reason why I thumbed down your comment is twofold. 1. Yes, too far. 2. If DocBastard was to take a piss, you'd drown with how you're all on his proverbial d*ck.
22 - ... I'm sorry, what?
44- 22 is talking about 4's profile pic and his about me. 4 is indeed a dick rider
71, I thumbed you down, not because I disliked your comment, but because I'm a rebel. ;)
I didn't thumb him down because I enjoy loving and tolerating the shit out of people.
He's saying that when OP's mum said the name, she might have been referring to OP rather than the father.
* Raven Voice* Ya little nasty.
#104 nope. I thought it meant something else. Lol, I even searched up the definition of "Meaning" to see if it had any other definition that I didn't know of. From what I gathered, I thought it meant that she was masturbating of sorts. But wouldn't make sense since she was "doing it" with his father.
108- Are you retarded?
Well, this is awkward..
(Hears mom calling name) (Opens door) Op: yea mom you called m.. (stunned at the sight of both parents getting it on) That would've been awkward
Nice profile pic 5........
Your body sucks.
5 - No one wants to see your boobs.
Have your name legally changed to Superman Batman Wolverine Iron Man Spiderman the Third.
The Third? Haha. Are there already a Senior and a Junior? I guess, in this day and age, we shouldn't be surprised if there are.
Ram, Amandeep, Sukdeep are conning name in Northern India. Mahboob,mahfouz, mahfud, are common name in Bangladesh.
Mixing DC with Marvel??? FOR SHAME!!!
79- coexist! Can't we all just get along
17: There have been multiple attempts to name someone "@".
I've seen pictures of that guys ID, his name is Batman Bin Suparman... that's awesome
Wouldn't that be kind of weird for the mum too... ?
My fiancé has the same name as his dad... And grandad... And great grandad etc *shudder* I'm not going to be able to get these thoughts and this FML out of my head now! D:
Isn't it?
Oh my.. That really does suck. Confront them and ask them to do it when you gone.? Unless ur unemployed and are out of school.
^You beat your kid, and you're a nurse? You just blew my mind.
Why would you wanna ever talk about tour parents having sex, to your parents? If it were me i would just pretend it never happened. Or atleast try to
Have your name legally changed to Superman Batman Wolverine Iron Man Spiderman the Third.
I can definitely see how that would be disturbing. If I was you though OP I'd just try not to be ever in a position to hear my parents have sex!