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By Emcee - 05/06/2009 10:48 - Philippines

Today, it was graduation day, and the very first time I was hosting an event. When I got on stage, I stared at the audience for a good 5 seconds, then fainted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 643
You deserved it 6 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get u, that must suck but that is pretty hard as a first time event for hosting


You comment made my actually laugh not just breathe out fast through my nose

I get u, that must suck but that is pretty hard as a first time event for hosting

scvcwcheer 0

yeah really. but it could have been worse I'm sure how big was the school?

Fmylifffeee 0

ahahahahaha i would've done the same i think :]] and #3 fail

could have been worse, you could have farted

SUSAltd 0

Ouch... And I'd have to agree with #1. That would be amazing.

yikes sorry. my sister fainted during a project presentation once

Ugh... Sorry about your experience but it made me chuckle on a day that I needed a good laugh!

Think of how many people have this recorded :]

Tika876 18

Sorry, at least everyone will remember you.