By Anonymous - 27/07/2014 16:13 - United States - Rockville Centre

Today, I had to go to the hospital to get blood taken. The nurse mentioned how pronounced and easy to see my veins are. I guess that explains why she missed five times in a row. I'm surprised my arm doesn't look like a heroin addict's right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 445
You deserved it 3 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm needle phobic. If they don't hit the vein on the first try I demand a different nurse.

kdm_km1 19

Maybe she needlealittle practice.


My #1 fear is needles. I hate getting blood taken it surya so much

I feel ya, OP. I had to get blood taken twice this week and the first time has left a huge bruise on my arm that now has a gross looking rash on top of it. I hate being sick.

Seriously? I can't tell if this is a poor joke or a genuine expression of ignorant litigiousness, but either way, it's kind of a ridiculous thing to say.

ostfaiz 18
QueenofWheels 13

I would have asked for another nurse after the second time. I have only ever had one nurse that tried more than once.They always call in somebody else.

Most nurses only need one good prick to get the blood flowing.

fyi it only take a single 8 hour class to become a phlebotomist

really!? no way... now this will be in my head every time I get blood drawn

thats very wrong.a phlebotomist is a single course in some places, but not 8 hours. legally there has to be practice pokes and testing and lectures etc. mine was 6 hours a week for like 17 weeks. and most people (like me) are phlebotomists on the did of doing nursing assistance, lab assistance, or something similar while in college

the same thing happened with me earlier, and the shitty reason they gave was that they couldn't find my veins FML

I would definitely have asked for a different nurse. I've had more than my fair share of needles and although my veins often go deep they usually get it first or second go.

jaquie0812 13

I have easily seen veins but you can never get to them. every time I get blood drawn I tell them not to bother and go through my hand.

If she could whe your veins, why did she miss it so many times?