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By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 00:53 - United States - Cranston

Today, I had to listen to my boss say "Arabica beans" in a goofy, fake New England accent every time the McDonald's ice coffee commercial came on the radio. I worked a 12-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 754
You deserved it 3 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was one of the first to vote and they were all ydi. Why in the world would you deserve this? That sounds beyond annoying.


I was one of the first to vote and they were all ydi. Why in the world would you deserve this? That sounds beyond annoying.

Repeating funny things makes you funny, you should've laughed. Right? Guys?

Off that's what you classify as funny, and if you actually do that to sound funny. I feel bad for your friends.

threer 30

Or MAYBE that was a joke and an awesome one at that?

Record him and put him as ringtone. He would appreciate it

12 hours straight of "Arabica beans" over and over? You must get paid good, or really need this job. FYL

I hope you get a much deserved raise.

olpally 32

That's more annoying then a teacher clawing her nails down a chalkboard. Argh.

There is no way that is worse then nails on a blackboard. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. *shivers*

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Beans beans the magical beans the more you eat the more you fart

You're saying it wrong. It's "Beans beans good for your heart the more you eat the more you fart". Didn't mean to go robusta on your ass!

addysonnn 8

I actually think 11 was getting "beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot" mixed up with what you said, Enslaved.

Hot damn! They have more than one of these poems about farting? Lol

graceinsheepwear 33

...the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat your beans at every meal. Yup, the toot version is the one I grew up hearing.

showmeyourears 19

I always heard it as "the MUSICAL fruit".

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Bart said it, from the Simpson's ,, Damn people

\ 28

Eat beans the magical fart the more you eat them the more you beans fart the eat