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By DietKelp - 23/10/2015 10:30 - United States

Today, at work, I was fired from my job for being too "forward" to my boss. All I did was get him coffee and a biscuit from McDonald's to celebrate his 15-year anniversary working there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 592
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's not a valid reason for him to fire you.try and talk to someone higher up.

Talk to headquarters and tell them your situation. You shouldn't be fired for that! Good luck op


unsun 13

Probably better you're not working there anymore..

that's not a valid reason for him to fire you.try and talk to someone higher up.

Actually if this happened in; Florida Georgia Indiana Louisiana Massachusetts Missouri Montana North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island Texas Virginia They can fire you without reason, they are "at will" states.

#34, I know that's what the law says, but it isn't followed. I've worked in two of those states and every employer still follows the usual guidelines and processes in letting people go so they don't get sued. "at will" doesn't hold up in court, and if they do get sued they usually settle to keep it from getting in the media. I personally know of one woman who got fired for violating company policy and got rehired after suing and proving she wasn't the only one who did it. She was an awful employee and it took like 5+ more years to build up enough stuff so they could get rid of her for good and she wouldn't be able to sue again.

andrmac 25

Still have to have just cause or they have to take you back or pay unemployment if they go to court. I'm management in MA. Plus you have to unless it's stealing require documentation usually at least 2 on paper a final warning and the the termination.

Add Utah to that list. You can get fired at any time without a reason. If you get fired without at least two physical written and signed warnings, then you can claim workers comp. If you had those written warnings you usually cannot claim workers comp unless you were fired for something serious (like theft, sexual harassment, etc).

Is that even a legal reason to fire someone?

Some places you sign a contract they can fire you at any time, for any reason whether it's legit or not. However, I doubt this is the case.

IndianaJoe0321 19

There are a number of states that do not require a reason to terminate employment.

Offering McDonald's poison is good enough to fire someone.

That sucks op. I honestly don't see how that is being too forward. It was a nice gesture, and no good deed goes unpunished.

Talk to headquarters and tell them your situation. You shouldn't be fired for that! Good luck op

Some guys take everything as flirting.. FYL OP.

I never knew it was possible to get mad at someone for being nice to them. It might be for the better that you no longer have to deal with such an idiot? But I'm sorry you lost your job because of an idiot like that, OP.

You should talk to someone higher up. That isn't a valid reason to fire someone. I am so sorry that happened to you.