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The real indoctrination

By Anonymous - 15/05/2022 18:00

Today, our village has a new priest and he routinely harasses everyone who doesn’t attend church on Sunday. I’m so sick of him I’m considering throwing paint on him the next time I see him coming up the garden path. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 121
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Religion is like a penis - it's great to have one, fine to be proud of it and show it off, but for the love of God do NOT force it down my throat.

Good plan! No, even better -- a perfect plan! I don't see how anything could go wrong with it. Certainly, the priest will recognize that he's too aggressive and will back off because paint can do that.


Good plan! No, even better -- a perfect plan! I don't see how anything could go wrong with it. Certainly, the priest will recognize that he's too aggressive and will back off because paint can do that.

Exactly, religious nutjobs are known for being very reasonable people. I mean what sane person doesn't listen to voices in their heads from some hateful imaginary friend?

Religion is like a penis - it's great to have one, fine to be proud of it and show it off, but for the love of God do NOT force it down my throat.

Also, there can be very sensitive nuts involved. Best not to disturb them unless you do so carefully.

wrenavery90 12

And throwing paint will accomplish what?

Fend off the priest, or send OP to prison, or both. Better use the safe method of hanging drawings of Baphomet and pentagrams all over the house and ordering a bunch of licorice bats to chew on when the priest comes by.


Grumpy Jack 26

Is there any way to build him up some nasty rep with kids ?