By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 06:38 - Iraq

Today, I had to pull guard duty. I had to guard the latrine because somebody likes to stuff whole toilet paper rolls in the toilet to clog it. Only six more months in Iraq. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 269
You deserved it 3 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who is stupid enough to clog the toilet! what an idiot!

I think the military is doing what they are ordered to do. It's important that people are able to understand this. I don't agree with the war over there especially the justification used, but I have a lot of respect for someone (whatever the reason: to serve country, tuition money, just a job, etc) who has enough courage to go out there leaving friends, family, and all the comforts of home to go and fight, or perform whatever service in harms way. It takes a lot and it's not the soldiers' fault we are there it's the politicians so blame them JS.


Oh geez people! All military personnel aren't brainwashed zombies taught to shot a gun and some survival tactics. Clearly the paper stuffer is trying to lighten the mood and play pranks keeping everyones head on earth. If I had to sleep with my gun and worry about bombs every minute of the day, I would lose my mind. My brother is in the Army and has been to Iraq on several occasions. He takes his work seriously but when hes home he is your average nerd who will stay up late playing his several game consoles and most likely downloading **** on his computer lol Sorry you have to guard toilets OP lol

rusrsbrah 0

stuffing shit in the toilet is not a way to lighten the mood. unless you're ******* six.

Six is a cylon. Look her up. If I was a guy I'd **** her too.

hell, if i was a woman id still **** her

most soldiers are not educated at a college level because once you serve the United States army they will pay for your college tuition in full. a lot of the soldiers don't want to serve the army but have to because it's their only option of paying for a college degree

Just trying to say the people fighting out there are regular people with regular families. The only thing different is they are trained to fight when they need to. God bless the soldiers :)

Good luck guarding a toilet/killing innocent people. A war involves 2 countries fighting, Iraq is just a genocide.

that's bullshit and you know it, go do your research and stop listening to hate preachers.

agreed. 10% of what you hear on the news is made up bull crap. I know from experience

agree to #52 that is about needing more research.

Geez I am tired. what I ment to say was all but 10% is made up. The media gets small facts of the 5 W's(who,what,etc) and fills in the gaps for rating. Adding in stuff to make it seem bigger or smaller then what it really was. I can verify several stories that the media posted a week after it happened and it was way different then what I saw with my own eyes.

rldostie 19

You don't know what you're talking about. Stop sitting behind your computer and believing everything you hear. Take it from those of us who have been there--what they report and what is actually happening are radically different. You don't know shit.

lmao it's a lie, when your in Iraq or Afghanistan your not allowed using websites like this, I would know, ive been to Afghanistan, this guy is just trying to seem funny, but it's not.

chapdawg1971 0

dude, thank your buddy for that one!

******* deal with it. you're not the only one in the military who has to do stupid shit.

Call of Duty in real life isn't so fun, is it?

KiddNYC1O 20

What!? Respawning is fun in real life!

I know THAT is, but instead of doing 360 No Scopes with the L96 they have to guard a bathroom. It sucks. He could be Dolphin Diving Sandpeople!

KiddNYC1O 20

LOL. I'm guilty of dolphin diving.

rusrsbrah 0

I bet it was one of those ****** chocolate chips. motherfuckers didn't even know what shampoo was when my sisters boyfriend went over there.

all you need to join is a GED or Highschool degree... sad but true.