By Alex - 13/05/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, I had to run a mile in gym class for fitness training. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to run the stretch, you have to re-take it. My time was 10:02. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 072
You deserved it 20 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it took you 10 min to run a mile? that's a long time

iAmScrubs 19

At least you weren't 10 minutes and 1 millisecond.


goodfella925 0

I use to just say "**** this" I'm out

DudeImBetter 0

or even better "screw you guys I'm going home"

cartman"... god iPods are annoying to type with.

This is why I'm glad band counts as a physical education credit.

what the heck? That's ridiculous. To graduate at my school you need 1 credit of PE

Huh, thats weird. Band was a fine arts credit in my school district.

yuesha 5

In most places, when you're in band, you also participate in a marching show during football season. Marching band = first semester, concert band = second semester. You get half a PE credit for Marching, and half a Fine Arts credit for Concert. Where I live, you need 1.5 PE credits to graduate, so I took 4 years of band, which was the equivalent 2 PE credits. Everyone in band is in way better shape than anyone in PE. It's pathetic, to be honest.

I used to be band no I wouldn't do it again

emert 0

**** all tht noise what's physical bout a gay ass marching band! y'all are pathetic!

Whatt?? I should have definitely gotten P.E. credits for Chorus and Select Chior. [;

joa76 3

In most places? Not really. Here marching band is an extracurricular and doesn't count for anything towards school. And we need 3 PE credits to graduate...but you can't get away with less than 4, despite the official requirement. I knew a girl who played basketball and softball AND had dance class several days a week (acro, pointe, and teaching little kids), and still wasn't allowed out of gym.

Most people can walk a mile in 10 minutes. Try jogging a little next time and stop being lazy.

How can you walk a mile in ten minutes? Don't be ridiculous. You can't walk at 6mph.

joa76 3

When we did the mile at school, most people ran/walked/jogged (for example, we ran around the football field, and a lot of girls ran the short sides and walked the long ones), and most did it in about 12 minutes.

167 uhh you can definitely fast walk a mile in ten minutes -.- at least I can. So it's not ridiculous.

well rules are rules, should of been faster then

HahaYDI 0

Running is great for your body. Push yourself harder next time. You'd be surprised at how well you can do something if you give it your all. Good luck!

Two seconds longer than the actual time. It shows a sign of weakness. Try harder next time, YOU SLACKER.

traze 7

That is some bullshit. Bet he/she can't do it.

traze 7

I stating this from experience. -1 ******.