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By varsity soccer player - 19/08/2011 21:08 - United States

Today, I had my first day of soccer tryouts. We began with a two mile run. Trying to be honest for once, I didn't lie about my time. Everyone else did. I thus got the worst score, and had to run it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 283
You deserved it 4 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

and therefore will be faster than everyone during the game. :D

Well, they are all gonna suck on the field, don't worry coach WILL notice. And plus, you did the right thing!(:


Same thing happened to me in high school OP. Sorry.

At least you did the right thing... Even though if it did bite you in the arse.

Now you are twice as fit as your competition = better chance of making the cut. But honestly, what tryout doesn't monitor the results of something like that? Coaches should know kids tend to lie.

That sucks, 4 miles in a day is a lot. Btw I wonder how much your time was.

je_suis_fml 11

You'll prove them wrong once you come out on top, and everyone else is still lying and breathing hard at the finish line wayyyyyy after you finish! Good luck, OP!

yamatelle 19

Well, on the bright side, you won't have to worry about passing out five minutes into a warm up at 21.

KiddNYC1O 20

Where does it say they're kids?

Thank you No. 24 for saying what I was thinking. What kind of dumb ass coaches don't know kids lie and monitor the results themselves? OP's team is NOT headed for the state championships with that dolt in charge.

wintamint101 7

the coaches at my school don't moniter the times either, after you finish the miles you say your time to the coaches, it's all based on honesty. but you did the right thing because if the coaches figure out that everyone lied they'll be punished and you won't!

mgsoloist 14

36-it says varsity soccer player. I don't think that the big shots are sorted by varsity and jv.

Laurenlou 24

25- It says TWO miles. And a lot of people who run for soccer/Crosscountry run more than 5 miles everyday. I can't believe the coaches don't time the run themselves! That's a bit crazy not to. Anyway, OP you did the right thing. ;)

Laurenlou 24

25- I don't see why your comment is thumbed down. 2 plus 2 equals 4 people! ;D Also, people who run for soccer or Crosscountry usually run more than five miles a day. I'm surprised the coaches don't just time the run themselves. Anyway, OP you're better than those losers for telling the truth! :)

KiddNYC1O 20

Well, varsity doesn't necessarily mean they're kids.

KiddNYC1O 20

So you're implying that wherever there isn't honesty, they're only kids involved?

hannahcorrine 0

**** your life. Those other girls shouldn't have lied. That's cheating and unfair to you.

lexi365 20

I'm pretty sure soccer is a spring sport so I don't see how you have tryouts already. My school is only having soccer conditioning but anyways 4 miles isn't a lot considering my conditioning runs are 10 miles (no bragging intended, it sucks). But atleast you are honest and the running you have done will be shown on the pitch so the other girls will get caught. :)

104, my team is doing the girls soccer in the fall with conditioning in the summer. Different districts have different seasons.

jamie72596 9

Eh, 4 miles isn't that bad! And look on the bright side...thats an extra 400 calories you can eat! Woo! :D

kelsey_katie 17

104, At my school, the fall sports are: Girls&boys soccer, volleyball, football, and cross country. Then in winter we have basketball, and in spring, we have spring series volleyball, and track and field.

Prankster7o7 5

39- A coach that doesn't really care does that.

Lmao that's why you should always cut your time by 15-30 secs shorter then your original time yes honesty is the best policy but come on unless you've been running all summer smudging the truth for the first 2 or 3 runs is alot better then having to run it all over again an by the 3rd run you shouldn't have to cut it down... An the coaches can't time the whole team while they run at least not at my school they couldn't cause we ran in clumps...

tbh OP, they'll be ****** once they up against other footballers. yes, Americans, I said "footballers"

#154, I never said that, I was saying that the guys who lied about how fast they were will be ****** cause they've presumably taken shortcuts to fitness and the whole "football in the UK, soccer in the US" was me having a little fun. its ridiculous how worked up some people get over a different word for the same thing

flockz 19

and therefore will be faster than everyone during the game. :D

true, yet i have a sneaking feeling that that wasnt op's intention.

I guess it was a ninja tactic that slightly failed. Either way, props to OP for telling the truth.

eminemchick 19

Winning like Charlie sheen P.s damn it flockz atop changing your picture

Lulblast 4


Well, they are all gonna suck on the field, don't worry coach WILL notice. And plus, you did the right thing!(:

4 and 61 I was thinking both of those b4 I read the comments

rawrcatx 0

Agreed, you did the right thing & it will pay off later when you kick everyone's asses in soccer(;

leadman1989 15

They all ran the same distance, they just lied about the time it took them to complete it. How's OP gonna be in better shape doing the exact same work out or if he doesn't make the cut for being "to slow"... cause everyone else is lying?

129 - Did you read the FML? OP did what everyone else did twice.

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

OP said that it was the first day of tryouts, so I'm assuming they have to do different things on different days to make the team. He didn't lie about his time running the 2 miles and the other people did, but when the time comes where there is a game or more practicing, the coach will see that OP is a faster runner and is in better shape than most of his teammates (because you can run faster when you are in better shape) and coach will realize things. Get it now?

are u retarded? its called the intensity of a workkout? if u walk the same distance u run ur not gonna get the same workout

I hated having to run 2 miles for soccer tryouts.

schaflava 0

Considering you spend a lot of time running in soccer, two miles should be like baby steps.

IndiRae 9

Shit. You lucky bastard. We had a three mile during school workout, a four mile warmup after school in practice and then sprints whenever someone wouldn't shoot on frame or if I didn't block more than three balls.

sccrismyantidrg 4

That sounds terrible Indi. Did you even have time to enjoy the sport after all that? The worst we ever had to do was two-a-days where we had conditioning in the morning and scrimmages in the evening for two weeks before school started.

And once again, the person who does the right thing gets shit upon.

Nice guys finish last Except for Chuck Norris, he will beat your ass

God that has to suck. YDI for not lying jkjk

cicpjaky 6
oops_im_fucked 8

Except for in this situation...

schaflava 0

Or if your wife asks you if you peed in the litter box...I was drunk

Good on you number 9 for being in the ROTC program.