By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 00:15 - United States - Brighton

Today, I had to sneak out of work early to pick my 14-year-old son up from school. He and a friend had been found covered in Astroglide, racing each other down the corridor on their bellies. My boss noticed my absence from work, and now my son and I are both on suspension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 479
You deserved it 9 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've told your boss why you were leaving and he would've understood.

Omfgitsmia 15

Why not tell your boss you had to take care of something with your child?


Whistlee 8
Kade20 4

Maybe there's a lesson for both of you here lol I will not leave work early, I will not leave work early, I will not leave work early 1000 times written on paper by hand on my desk tomorrow! And for the son I will not slide down the corridor covered in astroglide, I will not slide down the corridor covered in astroglide, I will not slide down the corridor covered in astroglide 200 times typed on my desk in the morning. At least yours was funny!

Then he'll slide down the corridor covered in K-Y instead. Kids are sneaky and will look for loopholes.

that's a LOT of lube. besides, who just leaves work anyhow??

Satoaoi 13
upallnight11 19

Just be glad you didn't got fired.

So you're sneaking our of work, but wonder why your 14 year old acts like a child?

I don't know how to vote. You don't deserve the astroglider-son, but you do sort of deserve the suspension. You should have asked your boss if you could leave for an couple of hour and make the hours up later because your son has gotten into trouble at school. If he had said no you could have called the school and told them to keep your son in detention until the end of the school day. Or maybe a friend or relative could have gotten him for you. But sneaking out of work pretty much guaranteed that you would get into trouble and deservedly so.

Whoah God only knows, God makes his plan The informations unavailable to the mortal man You left your job, you snuck away cause while he's gliding down the hallways, your son's education js slip sliding away

Did it not occur to you to ask your boss if you could go, as you had a family emergency to deal with?