By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 00:15 - United States - Brighton

Today, I had to sneak out of work early to pick my 14-year-old son up from school. He and a friend had been found covered in Astroglide, racing each other down the corridor on their bellies. My boss noticed my absence from work, and now my son and I are both on suspension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 479
You deserved it 9 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've told your boss why you were leaving and he would've understood.

Omfgitsmia 15

Why not tell your boss you had to take care of something with your child?


at least your reason wasn't as embarrassing

Cool Runnings Part Deux, in the making!

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Grammar nazi fail! This one's a bit tricky though so I'll let you slide.

Smiley was correct. You would say "I am on suspension", so therefore you would also say "My son and I are on suspension".

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

#35, Why did I get down voted if I was right? Do people not appreciate grammar nazi's around here?

Well... now you can laugh about your suspensions and bond!

hazardmuffin 21

Should have either explained the situation to your boss instead of sneak out, or left the kid to wait until you got off work/the school day ended.

like everyone else already mentioned, why wouldn't you just tell your boss? I'm sure he would understand your sons a retard. like father like son. or mother. whatever you are.

tmmundy 17

20...Brilliant comment! Where in the FML did it mention OP's son was mentally challenged, or whatever they are, aliens maybe?

One too slick, the other not so slick. :( You'll have a lot to talk about with your son in your time off.

KareBear7364 5
perdix 29

Wait until your son and his friend learn what Asstroglide is really for!