By Flighted - 22/09/2012 04:54 - Canada - Georgetown

Today, I had to suffer through a four hour flight beside my ex. Yesterday, I proposed, on the last day of our vacation. She said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 645
You deserved it 3 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

So you broke up with her cause she said no? Maybe she just wasn't ready?

Iknowsomestuff 9

Maybe she broke up with him though.


I moderated this one. They had been together for five years and it was there anniversary he'd been saving up for this vacation for agile an when he asked for her to marry him she said no. And that she was going to break up with him months before but just wanted to go on the vacation. So fyl man I'm sorry.

kotana191 8

don't break up! you obviously love her. just keep dating and try again a little later

carminecris89 13

38 Why not? She's obviously not in it for the long haul. Some people don't want to date someone forever. They want to be more than a boyfriend or girlfriend. If you have been dating seriously for a while, and you ask someone to marry you and they reject you, it's pretty obvious that's it. If you're not ready to be taken of the market it means you are not done looking. If op continues, he's wasting years with someone who's looking for a better deal or can't truly commit. If ops looking for true love than dating someone who has said no is waste of his time.

Maybe she's not ready just yet. Maybe there's issues that are keeping them from marrying each other. The full story isn't here in the fml. To say just leave her is jumping to conclusions. Yes rejection to a proposal puts a huge strain on the relationship but I'm pretty sure if they talk it out they can find a general idea of what to do with each other.

42, They could have known each other 2 days for all you know, don't be an idiot.

If they knew eachother for two days, I don't think they would be dating, and certainly not going on a vacation together. They would have to be in a serious relationship to travel together, and I think it would be serious enough to get married. OP's girlfriend wasn't ready, they could have remained together, and get married another time.

42 But we don't know if they HAVE been dating seriously for a while. OP didn't say how long they were together for. It could have been only a couple months.

I don,t believe in marriage. It's expensive for nothing If you ask me and I say no, you are the problem cause you knew I never want to be married. And it's not less an engagement if I'm in a relationship and don't marry

Maybe it was the girlfriend that dumped him? Perhaps she got freaked out by his commitment and broke things off, rather than OP getting rejected and ending the relationship entirely

SystemofaBlink41 27

I like how people seem to think that OP dumped his girlfriend because she said no!! How stupid can you be! She obviously dumped him. If he wants to be with someone for the rest of his life, he isn't going to turn around and say "well **** off then" just because she said no

It often happens that way. People don't know what they want and are hurt and angry from being turned down by someone they love. You'd think they would be able to talk things over if they had been together long enough for a marriage proposal either way... If they broke up over 1 "no" then it probably wasn't meant to be anyways.

astralvagan 20

She said no, so that automatically makes her your ex?

I agree with both sides but I think if the relationship has been stable and steady for multiple years I do think saying no can put a really bad pressure on both of you.

You should have proposed before going on vacation, might have got a better response! "Babe will you marry me? By the way heres two tickets for 7 days in Bahamas"...

Then they would have had to spend seven days of an awkward vacation together. :-(

It wouldn't be as awkward if they didn't break up like crazy people! To me, when people do that it seems like "Fine, if you don't want to be with me all the time, then I never want to see you again!" Adults can be so childish.

Adults may want certain things, and when realizing they can't have them, change their plans accordingly, even if it's painful. We don't know exactly what she said, but it could have been something like "No, I don't see our relationship that way". In this case the reasonable course of action would be to move on. In any case: if a couple's feelings are that out of sync, it's a good idea for them to reflect whether they are all that well suited for each other.

UltimateTanMan 6

Did you ever think that she might be a bitch?

Did you ever think you might be a bitch? For some people, marriage has to have a lot of thought put into before taking the plunge. Maybe she needs time. Maybe she's enjoying the way the relationship is now and doesn't want to change it. Maybe she's not ready for the commitment. If it's her 1st marriage, most people have a more idealistic view and don't foresee divorce - perhaps she wants to get her own life settled before legally bonding herself to her boyfriend. There's a multitude of factors that can play into her decision.

You should of upgraded yourself to first class and left her back in the cheap seats lol

#64, If she paid for the plane tickets, she may not have agreed.

jaytee1994 9

I am soooooo sorry:( maybe you shoulda hinted toward marriage in the months before time. See her reaction, that way when you actually bought a ring and asked you woulda known she would say yes. I'm so sorry OP!