By Flighted - 22/09/2012 04:54 - Canada - Georgetown

Today, I had to suffer through a four hour flight beside my ex. Yesterday, I proposed, on the last day of our vacation. She said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 645
You deserved it 3 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

So you broke up with her cause she said no? Maybe she just wasn't ready?

Iknowsomestuff 9

Maybe she broke up with him though.


LaBooskie 1

Good you dumped her ass. If she isnt ready..forget her. Move on OP. She doesnt deserve you.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Just because she said no doesn't mean she's bad and doesn't deserve OP... Maybe she wasn't ready.

Several things to consider: 1- How old are you? Duh she said no if you're not even 20. 2- Who broke up with whom? If she broke up with you FYL, if you did the breaking of the upping, YDI, idiot.

1. I'm pretty sure this guy is over 20. 2. If he broke up with her, why is that a bad thing? Things would've been entirely too awkward afterwards. They probably both just need some time to themselves for now.

melrose90210 10

Sorry to hear that... Pawn the ring.

I feel more sorry for the people sitting near you

Just because she didn't want to get married, doesn't mean you had to break up! Maybe she just needed some time. If you were adamant on breaking up, you could've changed your seat or flight.

if you would have not proposed would regret in life why didnt you so it fine but i think if you would have avoided and went on with life happily she would have followed shortly and it would be your turn to ans her q How was that Now just avoid and in life see and keep all your feelings for her are positive and always sho her you r better and happy without her but care for her Hope to see her in your arms shortly :-)

i totally agree with the op! if she is saying no because and only because she thinks you are not the right one, she has no business being with you!

I like how 50 just assumes op paid for the vacation. Women can pay for their own board and flight, you do realize this?

Sorry to hear that OP - but at least you didn't propose on the _first_ day of your vacation!