By Dobche - 06/08/2015 11:16 - Bulgaria - Burgas

Today, I had to take a drugs test at work. Later, I found out it was my fiancé's mother who called our hotline. Her reason: I work till 6 pm, her "baby" should eat before that, but he can't cook, so I should quit my job. He is 35. And he thinks I should apologize for upsetting her at dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 316
You deserved it 2 714

Dobche tells us more.

Dobche 8

OP here: Result - negative. Why I didn't know about the cooking issue - well, it wasn't an issue for the last 4 years when we lived abroad. It seems it is a recent skill loss, like since we came back 3 months ago and found a place to live near his parents.

Top comments

wow why are you dating a guy like that? I wouldn't put up with that BS

35 and can't cook? dear lord the fabled grown ass man child is real. also sorry op FYL


and your going to marry that douche bag?

Run far. Run fast. The jerk doesn't deserve you. Let him go live with his mommy if he can't act like a grown up. (-_-)

Call off the engagement it's not worth it

InfiniteSecret 20

If your partner refuses to stand up for you, than you shouldn't end it and find someone who actually values you, respects you and will stand up for you.