By Dobche - 06/08/2015 11:16 - Bulgaria - Burgas

Today, I had to take a drugs test at work. Later, I found out it was my fiancé's mother who called our hotline. Her reason: I work till 6 pm, her "baby" should eat before that, but he can't cook, so I should quit my job. He is 35. And he thinks I should apologize for upsetting her at dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 316
You deserved it 2 714

Dobche tells us more.

Dobche 8

OP here: Result - negative. Why I didn't know about the cooking issue - well, it wasn't an issue for the last 4 years when we lived abroad. It seems it is a recent skill loss, like since we came back 3 months ago and found a place to live near his parents.

Top comments

wow why are you dating a guy like that? I wouldn't put up with that BS

35 and can't cook? dear lord the fabled grown ass man child is real. also sorry op FYL


You should take this as a warnings about how things will be in the future. Get out now!

.... How do you have the patience to deal with them both is a testament to the kind of person you are; I couldn't do it.

leave while you can. believe me, it only gets worse.

"He thinks I should apologize to her." Might be a good idea to nip this in the bud before the wedding. Just remember. You aren't just marrying him. You're marrying his whole family.

Alastrina_fml 20

No matter how bitchy she is as his mother, she'd be worse as your mother-in-law. I'd leave.

YesIamjudgingU 4

I would seriously drop him and move on. It never gets any better!!!