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By poormanslucyliu1 - 07/11/2016 02:28

Today, I had to teach my 13-year-old sister that sugar and salt don't, "cancel each other out to make the taste neutral". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 828
You deserved it 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duh! Everyone knows you need pepper to cancel out salt.

Xelabasat 14

Just let her try it. She'll figure it out for herself once she tastes it


Sugar and spice don't make everything nice, I suppose. :l

Duh! Everyone knows you need pepper to cancel out salt.

Gladeryn_fml 13

I mean.. maybe I'm just stupid but I don't think that you should feel bad - or make him feel bad - about this. Given the fact that he's only 13 yo, the idea of different tastes being able to cancel each other out sounds pretty smart. When you think about it, waves can cancel each other out, and so can heat and cold as well... But yeah maybe that's just me.

tantanpanda 26

Waves cancelling each other out is NOT even close to salt cancelling out the taste of sugar, nor is the transfer of heat. You're trying to draw parallels between things that are not analogous. Just stop.

people on this app take everything way too literally, he was giving other examples of how a 13 year old kid would understand how two things can cancel eachother out and putting that knowledge to salt and sugar

Tell her to practice by baking, and get free cookies out of it! Lmao

PePziNL 20

Yeah... You can have my cookies.

Lt_Senpai 21

What? Powerpuff Girls lied?! But sugar and spice makes everything nice!

Xelabasat 14

Just let her try it. She'll figure it out for herself once she tastes it

bubblemania 16

Actually if something is too salty if you put a little bit of sugar in it can cut the saltiness. Now making it neutral? No I don't think so.

In cooking a savory dish, if you put too much salt you Can add sugar to cut the saltiness and make it edible. It doesn't taste sweet, it just cuts out the salt.