By Sleeeeeep - 19/08/2010 04:10 - France

Today, I had to tell my doctor the real reason why I can't sleep at night for him to prescribe me anymore Ambien: I still have the irrational fear that there are monsters in the closet. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 305
You deserved it 14 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its probably just R kelly . He has been trapped in that closet for a while.

this is a definite FYL, you can't choose what you're scared of, even if it's not real. hence why it's called an "irrational" fear.


You obviously want drugs. Ambien is known to get people really high. :/

Dude I feel for you. I'm still scared to sleep without the TV on if all the lights in the house are off.

I'm 17 and still freak out because of that stuff all the time. :) And my cousin is 23 and got scared after watching Pretty Little Liars. She was paranoid for about three days. So, you're not alone.

im 17 and im still scared of things I watch from films, like Saw or the Grudge or Chuckie, but I go to sleep eventually cause I know they arn't real :P

Spike_The_Vamp 5

i still shut my closet door everynight and set my ipod player (which has a bright light on it) in front of the door so i can see if it opens or not ._. and im 17

kndixon110 0

thats not TOO bad.. its actually ok

Sleeping medications should only be used for a maximum of 3 weeks. You need to overcome your fear; try professional hypnotherapy, or has one about overcoming fear and anxiety.

ambien is the worst medicine you could possibly use. I causes suicidal thoughts and actions. and many people have actually killed themselves while taking ambien...


I believe in the monsters in the closet and under the bed too! I have to sleep with my night light or have my boyfriend next to me. I make him wake me up and turn on the light if he goes to the bathroom. (I'm 18)

Spectr_fml 2

I hate falling asleep with the light off cuz I'm afraid ill be startled by aliens trying to abduct me fml