By patient_mom - 14/06/2015 01:27 - Australia - Surrey Hills

Today, I had to wait for my daughter's pet python to finish taking a bath before I could take a shower and go to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 072
You deserved it 3 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A clean python is a happy python! It's good to see your daughter has taught her pet about hygiene.

Yeah I don't think I would argue with the python either.


Im sure the python wouldnt mind sharing with you

Alittleghosty 3

The snake was only sssssssoaking

You're the mom kick them out. I bet you have more than one bathroom, and multiple sinks. And the Python gets mad, bye bye girly parts!

I think most domestic snakes have a water thing in their habitats. Consider getting her one. You're the adult, the kid can't tell you what to do.

hberri331 18

YDI your the parent you could have told her not to do that or better yet not let her have a snake because they aren't pets!


why? what qualifies an animal as a pet? They make great pets especially for people not looking to basically have a child to care for(dog) and don't want their couch clawed to bits(cat). so I'd love to know the definition of a pet to you.

I would not blame you a bit if you skipped the shower.

after cleaning a snake, I would suggest "filet", "cook", and "lunch"

Attacksloth 33

This definitely has potential to be a great illustrated FML.

That's actually badass that your daughter has a python, snakes rule.