By patient_mom - 14/06/2015 01:27 - Australia - Surrey Hills

Today, I had to wait for my daughter's pet python to finish taking a bath before I could take a shower and go to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 072
You deserved it 3 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A clean python is a happy python! It's good to see your daughter has taught her pet about hygiene.

Yeah I don't think I would argue with the python either.


The python was taking a bath or getting a bath? xD

K_kanaka 26

Well...not something I would hear everyday.

Your mind is really flying. Get rid of her daughter because…???

Oh, you're in Australia. That explains so much.

No, she's from Australia so she should be used to worse and not worried about a nonvenomous cutie pie python.

There are people who know the difference between poisenous und venomous!

jezka374 15

Share the shower with it and save water! Waste not want not!

Sure, just drape it over your shoulders :)

You are a fantastic parent. First, you're very patient. Second, you're awesome enough to let your daughter have a pet python!

rabid_otaku 29

I find a python taking a bath extremely adorable.

hey it could've been a unicorn! which would have been nice though :/

For those who don't know, you have to regularly soak reptiles so they shed their skin properly and sometimes to help them poop. I bathe my reptiles in the tub all the time lol.

That is false. Reptiles don't NEED bathing. My two pythons shed and poop just fine without bathing. In fact, bathing them all the time can have a negative effect on their shed. You don't want to destroy the natural oils occurring under their skin that build up and help them shed. Misting them with a little water when they're in shed is good and all, but full-on regular bathing is a definite no-no. The only time my pythons get a bath is if they've done a really stinky shit and need a little clean up.

I take it you also have multiple soaking ponds in their tanks? My small gecko has two in his tank to help him shed because he's from Australia and if he doesn't have enough moisture he can get a blocked plug or sometimes his penis even gets stuck outside his body (vet recommended water based lubed to avoid takin him to the vet for it)

I have 4 pythons and I've never had to soak them but I do mist them daily to keep their humidity up where it needs to be. I also have a bearded dragon and leapard gecko. gecko will soak in his water dish. and I only mist my dragon when he is shedding since he doesn't require high humidity. but I have seen and heard of many ppl soaking their snakes once a month in the bathtub.

Reptile soaking thread is not something you see on FML every day.

Okay so not everyone soaks their reptiles. I soak mine about once a month and I have no issues with any of them. Some reptiles have more trouble shedding than others. My tegu sometimes gets skin stick on her toes so the soaking helps. All of mine get misted and have ponds. It's not false. It's a different way of doing things.

There is a specific medication you can bathe reptiles in to help them she'd if they have trouble with retaining skin. It's this oily stuff you add to water. So, it's not so far fetched.