By HR - 16/12/2011 21:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 11/03/2010 22:23 - United States
By fatface - 13/04/2009 04:05 - United States
Best teeth in the game
By indiemusicnerdgirl - 16/12/2024 21:00 - United States - Dayton
By Anonymous - 03/10/2010 18:52 - United States
Snap, crackle, and pop
By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 22:00
Make it stop!
By NotSoWise - 16/10/2023 14:30 - Ireland - Waterford
The whole tooth and nothing but the tooth
By Anonymous - 01/04/2024 13:00 - United States
By NoPainNoGain - 17/09/2009 14:31 - United States
Healthcare for all, now!
By Anonymous - 25/01/2022 20:01
By pain in my gums - 27/02/2017 11:30 - Canada - St. John's
Top comments
Should've had them all removed, so you don't have to go back if the others start coming down.
I got all four of mine out today, so I look like a chipmunk.
You have no idea what his life is like to compare minor surgery to his birth defect is horrible, you need to suck it up, your swelling will go down soon, plus you have medicine to dope you up. Stop being such a pussy and grow some balls
Don't you feel all big and bad for bashing someone who is suffering from behing your precious computer screen. ****-face...
72- I think it's safe to say OP's suffering is nowhere near that of 'the elephant man'. OP's swelling will disappear after a week or so but neurofibromatosis is for life.
this happens to many people on a daily basis. get over it.
I don't get why people complain about their wisdom teeth. almost everyone has to get them removed, and if you have a good oral surgeon you shouldn't have any pain.
I guess your right, because alot of people have to have them removed but if they are impacted then it is actually surgery. It is a big deal, and can be a great amount of pain. Reading these comments, alot of people were put out for days bc of it. I would have been one of those but I still had to take care of my child, and therefore couldn't even take pain medication. So really no on can judge, everyone is different!
I got all four wisdom teeth out yesterday and all four were impacted. I guarantee you it hurts.
You are NOT an ANIMAL!!!!
Try getting 6 taken out, then you can compain. Have a nice day :)

I'm sure you still look beautiful :)
I have to get mine pulled soon so I can empathize..