By M. Night Shytefuck - 20/01/2015 22:52 - United States - Plattsmouth

Today, I handed my boss my 2 weeks' notice. 20 minutes later, I was doing my work alone in the very cold basement of the building. My boss claimed it was a routine relocation planned months in advance. It's going to be a long 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 393
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling you're about to come down with a very nasty flu that will keep you out of work for, oh, about 2 weeks.

I'm pretty sure there are laws about providing a suitable work environment.


Take it up with HR. Your boss is a massive turd.

sweetnsourrr 11

I find it rather stupid how some people are being impulsive by saying just quit right now as if people have the money to quit. You know how hard it is to find a job? Never quit ASAP, always find a job first before quitting because you never know and having job increases your chances.


While I understand where you're coming from, OP must already have been hired for another job If they put in their notice. Even though OP could just stick it through and earn the 2 weeks money, they are just letting OP know that it's reasonable to quit if they're boss is treating them like crap and they can afford to be unemployed for that time period.

I agree with you. However, people are probably just saying, "Quit!" to sympathize with the horrible treatment the boss is doing to the OP. I'm sure the OP can figure out what's the best course of action for him before quitting or deciding whether or not to deal with it just to not burn bridges for future references?

Accidentally hit YDI but you don't deserve it, OP. You're soon to be ex boss sounds like a douche, you're better off, big chief! Best of luck to ya!

They should really let us reverse our YDI's and FYLs in case we mess up

by clicking again you can reverse it right? at least on the mobile app.

Sadly, no. I have so many FMLS with both FYL and YDI highlighted because you can't reverse choices.

Jeezus! Keep an eye on your red Swingline Stapler!

If you touch my stapler one more time I will burn this place to the ground!

while I seriously understand everyone saying just leave, don't. power through it. a bad reference is all it takes to get prospective employers to turn away from you. Even if you already have a job lined up, your next employer may call two jobs back. you never know. why risk it over 2 weeks?

If he leaves on bad terms, then he obviously wouldn't put them down as a reference. Seems like common sense, to me.

SoullessSolace 12

At this point, you owe them nothing. Two weeks is a courtesy you offer the company to buy them time to find a replacement for you. If they refuse to respect you, then you owe them nothing. Start rocking the new life, OP!

To all of you saying he should quit, he can't because if the people that he next interviews for call his old boss to make sure he was a good employee he will say no since he just quit and left

nitrog100 21

...I'm going to burn down the building...I'm also kind of sad that there only appears to be one other Office Space reference in these comments thus far.

Next time you quit a job, make sure you have some vacation days saved up. This time: I'd not just run out because it might be bad for references, but maybe the cold, clammy basement can give you some health issues for a couple of days?