By dolceconfuoco - 20/10/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I have an ear infection, and everything I hear echoes inside my head. I'm an orchestra teacher, and we have our first concert next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 958
You deserved it 2 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, the work you do now shall echo through time


At least it's not band. Nothing against band, but orchestra is generally more quiet.

ikickgingers 15

Worst joke ever; Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? Because they kept saying Bach, Bach, Bach! Bahahahahaahahah yeah I suck *backs away slowly*

ironik69 31

I was laughing are not alone. :D

iFizzgig 11

Then there's the one where Arnold schwartzeneger is filming a movie about composers with unimportant unnamed costar, "You be Beethoven, I'll be Bach!"

Strangely enough, the chickens, to me, sound just like Arnie now. So, now it is even funnier.

Honestly that's not a big deal. 2 or 3 days of antibiotics and the symptoms go away. Just keep taking them until they're done or the infection will just come back.

VioletRaven1 8

Thats not true, I had it for at least 8 years before it stopped....and i tried everything

leadman1989 15

I read this as get pregnant. Why? I don't know, but it sure gave me a laugh.

Key words here, "Next week" go to the doctor you dumbass.

leadman1989 15

Burn down the venue and destroy all their instruments. Problem solved.

humanlegacy333 5

Your saying you got reverb in your ear, I'd only you had auto-tune from your ear infection.o_O

kaykay20 0
Jillllll 0

Definitely think I know exactly who wrote this. My orchestra teacher was out sick today, female, lives in north Carolina, annndd my first orchestra concert is next week

Jillllll 0

That wasn't supposed to my a reply....