By dolceconfuoco - 20/10/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I have an ear infection, and everything I hear echoes inside my head. I'm an orchestra teacher, and we have our first concert next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 958
You deserved it 2 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, the work you do now shall echo through time


rainergeis 0

havethemplaythesongsofastthattherewon'tbe anytimeforechoeing-ing-ing

Iknoweverything 29

On an unrelated note, every time your students play a parallel fifth, Bach kills a kitten. It's okay though, because Copeland gets a boner.

Fooberry 9

Try putting a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in your ear(s) every day for that week. It's cheap and it works. Trust me.

that really sucks 4 u! haha! ur anguish sustains me!

wriptidez 0

see if they will give you Octic drops?

Use nasal drops in your ear.. I just did this cause I had an ear ache. It works! My doctor said to do this. Saves you money.. The nasal drops constricts your ear and allows leakage.