By pixkalexi - 20/05/2013 20:14 - United States - North Easton

Today, I have an upset stomach. Every other minute, it sounds like Chewbacca is screaming to get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 010
You deserved it 4 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just use the force...take twice a day until Chewbacca shuts the heck up

Wizardo 33

'Mweurruuururruurgh' - Chewbacca. Truer words have never been spoken...


These ARE the fiber bars you're looking for.

Are your stomach walls closing in on him?

DorkAlert 10
fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Go to the bathroom and give it a try

It would be pretty awesome if you knew how to speak wookie. I presume you don't though, and I hope you feel better soon!

olpally 32

So that's where he's hiding? You sneaky son of a bitch...

Try a laxative, those things usually do the trick

Ahhh man, I miss good ol' Danny. I know you got down voted but I appreciate the reference at least ^_^

Could be worse, could be Jar-jar Binks