By movingout - 26/01/2013 23:50 - Australia - Ringwood

Today, I heard an owl near my house. I got excited, as they are not common in the area, and I listened intently to try and locate the source of the sound. After a few minutes, I realized I was not listening to an owl, but to my mother's sex noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 642
You deserved it 5 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know "too hot to hoot" is a palindrome- you can say it backwards and it reads the same way.


I guess it's better to know she isn't a cougar? :P

upsidedownfrownn 5

I got it... And found it to be clever

I guess it was no letter from Hogwarts then :)

oj101 33

Owl be devastated if I didn't get one too.

Don't worry, 51. I won't talon you for using the same exact pun as 21. HoNk.

oj101 33

She must be having one owl of a time.

See what happens when moms roleplay? Out come the blindfolds, and she's crying "Who?? Who??"

Imhere4fml 24

"WHO likes it ruff? WHO? WHO?" That is probably what your mother might have been saying...

Imhere4fml 24

Never saw it, idk if I want to...

JJ_Rokk 10

Awkward Winnie The Pooh flashbacks...

skyeyez9 24

Pooh says "whoooo hoooo hoooo!" When he's really happy or excited. Or Maybe tigger said it? I know one of them did.

Don't feel bad, it's the mating call she uses for wohooing your father into bed with her (horrible joke? The h is silent). Feh, i tried.

DyslexicPanda 12

His father's body was discovered later that day

I have the opposite problem. There is an owl by my house that sounds like a woman faking it. Badly.

Notice, you got excited over an owl. By that I'm surprised you know what sex sounds like.

Notice, your ability to judge people on extremely small things, is probably the reason why your username is, "Ihaveonefriend". But sadly no, Jill, aka Palmela Handerson is not real. So you have zero.