By ihateguys - 26/09/2014 19:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I heard my boyfriend talking with my father in the backyard. I thought he was asking for my hand in marriage. He was actually telling him about his plans to break up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 971
You deserved it 4 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never heard of a boyfriend telling the father his plans to break up with his daughter. Wouldn't that be a recipe for disaster?

Chente_313 15

I wonder how the father reacted?


orbit 22

Weddings are usually a happy subject. Since op thought they were talking about marriage, maybe her dad seemed happy.

sha17 20

Should have pulled a fast one on him after you heard that and broke up with him!

is your father your boyfriends best friend?

If thats true , don't worry , someone better is waiting for you.

You two must have had very different views about your relationship to think you were ready for marriage while he thinks it's time to go.

Atleast u have a planned breakup ahead! ?

an3ph 20

I know it hurts, OP, but if you are that far apart, it is for the best. Better now than later.

Damn, no one deserves to get broken up with in such a way they gotta ask their dad how to wtf