By Wilhelm - 26/04/2016 14:47 - Philippines - Makati

Today, I heard water dripping at the back of our house. I went to investigate, only to find a man peeing on our garden gnome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 951
You deserved it 1 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He must have been peeing for a long time lol

Something tells me either the dude was about to piss all over himself, or he was drunk/high, or both. Either way, interesting situation. FYL OP.


That's nasty, but on the bright side, you've got some superhuman hearing. I couldn't even hear when my friends were in my backyard throwing pebbles at my window.

really u deserve it for having a garden gnome them things are hella creepy and id piss on it to

he was watering the gnome to try and make him grow

Who knew David the gnome was into watersports ...

VashSN17 10

I mean at least it was only a garden gnome, right? ?

There is one thing I don't get about this new update. For example, it sometimes says "Phew, glad that wasn't me", or "That could've happened to me". Does that have the same meaning of, "You Deserved It", or is it adding a whole new meaning to every vote?

my thoughts exactly! and what's up with the pepper looking thing next to the posters username??