By groom - 20/06/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I helped my grandparents carry luggage to their hotel room, where they're staying the night tonight after my wedding reception. Their room is 203. Mine is 201. Their room shares a wall with my honeymoon suite. My grandparents are going to hear me consummate my marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 432
You deserved it 6 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that must suck. Maybe you could ask them to move? In a polite way?

Who says it has to be in the hotel room? Go somewhere else.


Cerauno 0

You could ask for a different room, y'know.

lostmymind16 0

lets just hope you don't hear them getting on... now that would be hilarious. it could happen! just saying.. lol

Just make sure they take out their hearing aids before the go to bed. :-p

Maybe they take the general grandparent routine and fall asleep around 9?

lol #82......yeah just move or consummate it the next night......

lol You think they can hear you that well? Tinnitis is a bitch but this time around it's all good.

oh god I love sex just ask the manager to get them another room and get it on have it loud and good make it sweaty it's your wedding night go wild

Awkward... But what would be worse is if you heard them. Ugh...

LMAO, when my husband and I consummated our marriage on our wedding night I figured we weren't too loud. (We were upstairs) Next morning as were packing our stuff for check out, the guy who was below us gives us a thumbs up trough his window. My husband was SO proud.

haha is your honey moon suite at the motel 6?