By groom - 20/06/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I helped my grandparents carry luggage to their hotel room, where they're staying the night tonight after my wedding reception. Their room is 203. Mine is 201. Their room shares a wall with my honeymoon suite. My grandparents are going to hear me consummate my marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 442
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that must suck. Maybe you could ask them to move? In a polite way?

Who says it has to be in the hotel room? Go somewhere else.


I'm sure you're grandparents know what happens. I don't see how this is an fml. Anyway, old people can't hear.

I'm assuming that the wedding wasn't actually today and the OP just took some creative license to fit the "Today, (...). FML" format.

WTF are you doing online on your wedding day/night? Let your grandparents hear, its not like they dont expect it.

That happened to me too except it was my parents. I feel your pain.

nikki1001 0

What a weird hotel to have the honeymoon suite attached to a regular room. How obnoxious for anyone, ever in that other room, not even just your grandparents.

Seriously, don't care about them - It's your special night, if they're good grandparents all they will do is laugh at how much you made her moan. It's a fun thing.

Let's hope they're deaf. And maybe you lovebirds can save the yodeling and Tarzan yells for later.

birds_fml 7

Old people can't hear good anyways, they probably won't hear a thing. They take their hearing aids out to sleep, and go to bed at like 7, so there's no way they'll hear it. FURTHERMORE, hotel walls are usually really well insulated, unless you're putting your family up at like Motel 8 or something.

Sounds like a destination wedding, or perhaps you're just staying the night until you can travel in the morning refreshed. I certainly hope that you aren't spending your Honeymoon in the same city that you live in... *shudder* Just ask them to take their hearing aids out!

Watch, the grandparents are going to have loud, drunk, slutty wedding sex themselves! The bride and groom will be more horrified listening to them having old people sex than they ever would have been if the grandparents had accidently heard them. It is, after all, a special occassion...