By groom - 20/06/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I helped my grandparents carry luggage to their hotel room, where they're staying the night tonight after my wedding reception. Their room is 203. Mine is 201. Their room shares a wall with my honeymoon suite. My grandparents are going to hear me consummate my marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 442
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that must suck. Maybe you could ask them to move? In a polite way?

Who says it has to be in the hotel room? Go somewhere else.


ooh, I wonder how they're gonna embarrass you tomorrow. Mabye you should just have sex with your wife then kill yourself cuz you'll definitely be embarrassed to death tomorrow.

alibi2277439 0

maybe they'll find a place to play bingo all day...and all night...

lutzluv124 0

try to ignore it i mean its your night have fun, its a night you'll never forget fortinutley they might IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: *try not to be a screamer though*


Lets calm down here, they did plan and do they do have the honeymoon suite, the only issue is that grandparents who are probably staying in a NORMAL room, shares a wall with the honeymoon suite(where OP is)

It's just sex, you'll have plenty of it in time to come. Now you have a priceless memory. Chances are you're going to be too drunk to get it up anyway. Have fun.

you shouldn't have to be quite when you're consummating your marriage. it's not like you have to be sneaky anymore. not like you have to worry about your mom or dad catching you. and your grandparents might be bothered by it, but they can move or get earplugs. it's not like they never had sex.

you should do it somewhere where their room cant hear you

bkutz 0

dude what the hell are you doing posting FML's on your honeymoon

arent hotel rooms supposed to be sort of soundproof? idk...