By pumpkinbutt - 17/01/2010 21:08 - France

Today, I hurried into the bank to cash in the $5,000 check my grandparents had given me for college money. I found out that instead of my name, they wrote 'our sweet iddle pumpkinbutt'. I couldn't make eye contact with anyone after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 134
You deserved it 4 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sketch_Enter 0

id rather be a sweet iddle pumpkinbutt with 5000 dollars than johnathan with $0


draydray 3

aw you poor thing. you got a free 5000 dollars /end sarcasm if somebody wrote me a 5000 dollar check I wouldn't care if it was made out to Lady Von *****. I'd cash it and run :-$

riku3220 2

You can't cash a check if it's not in your name.

How old are you? Anyone that has ever needed to cash a cheque knows that even if your name is _spelt wrong_, the bank won't accept it.

I've never had any issues cashing any check, even my girlfriends work check the other day

For 5 grand I'd answer to just about anything with a big shit eating grin. :D

raejackie 0
kozmikstarz 0

The bank wouldn't have let you cash it then...FAKE

I believe some banks will still cash it as long as it's not a real name like "Joann Wolfe" or "Chris Green". And no where does it say the bank actually accepted it.

for five grand you can shave me strip me and call me Sally for all I care.

epoh_fml 0

um yah a bank wouldn't cash it if your name isn't properly spelled. unless your name IS sweet iddle pumpkinbutt?

Actually banks will cash it if its not spelled correctly (not sure if the'll cash it if the name isn't even remotely close), I know this because my first name is technically hyphenated and most checks I get (all my paychecks) are missing the hyphen part of my name (i.e. First-Second becomes just First), they all get cashed and so do the ones with the hyphen

FMYL? gtfo. it is cute and funny. Get a sense of a humor

I thought banks don't cash in checks if your proper name isn't on it.

He probably had to show them his pumpkinbutt.

gatorgrl1988 0

last I checked u had to have a real name on the check to cash it. I'm sure this fml is fake. I call bullshit.