By greenandswirly - 18/02/2017 16:00 - United States - Columbia City

Today, I injured my knee at a Zumba class, a class I joined to lose weight so my knees wouldn't hurt so much. Now I can't even go for a leisurely walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 705
You deserved it 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alternative-facts 6

If you're really overweight, you should probably start off with something a little less strenuous than a full-on zumba class. And if your knees hurt, try something with less impact. Swimming, treadmill/elliptical, spinning (biking). And yoga. Yoga is amazing for developing strength and flexibility. Good luck to you!

Sounds like you were seriously overreaching with the Zumba classes. You should try aquacise. The buoyancy of the water will take a lot of the pressure off of your knees, it's practically zero impact and it's a very good workout.


Viewerv 2

Well dieting is more effective than exercise for weight loss. But if you want to start to get fit too, I suggest water aerobics. Great on joints!

Try cycling or swimming. Great cardio to lose weight and very low impact.

Eating lower fat helps as well. Gradually decrease the fat percentage. Believe it or not, most meats aren't fatty, it's the dairy that does it.

Another misunderstanding is that you have to go all out during a Zumba class, have fun and do it to the best of your ability, don't worry about messing up! Everyone's a beginner once so don't worry, I literally have older people and heavier people do Zumba seated and just move there feet/arms with us. It's all about starting somewhere and I commend you for doing so.

Pringles411 2

Been there girl pool areobics what what