By Ashleigh - 02/03/2012 22:53 - Australia

Today, I installed an alarm app on my phone. Turns out, to unlock the phone and get the ringing to stop, I have to answer a maths question. It took me ten minutes to get it right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 920
You deserved it 33 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm. That seems like..... Quite a problem......

gahj 11

Lol what is that app called it's pretty cool and btw YDI for not knowing math


GENIUS! Really gets you awake and thinking!

FlamingTacos 7

Where's a Chinese person when you need them...

boundbytheanimus 9

I feel your pain. Anytime math is involved in anything, I fail miserably.

I have an app where you have to have sex before you unlock the phone, only takes me 30 seconds.

There are many things I like to be greeted by when I awake.. math is not one of them.

That's a real problem! Your alarm is definitely annoying, but minus not as bad. All things being equal, you probably should have expected this. Additionally, the only plus is that you may cross the great divide and learn something from this experience. May you be fruitful and multiply. Good luck.

boundbytheanimus 9

The solution is simply to download another app. OP's experience just about sums up my encounters with math.

^ You either missed the joke or you accidentally threadjacked Docbastard's comment instead of #1's. So which is it?

boundbytheanimus 9

^ Neither. Solution? Sum? You missed the fact that I was playing off Doc's joke.

It appeared to be more of a continuation of DocBastard's joke. * edit * Well nevermind, this is awkward...

I am dumb, so dumb, for real. I admit it. I apologize. :D

natashax21 5

The product of his sperm probably wouldn't be too bright either.

Maybe OP should simplify their problems with a nice fraction of pi.

Maybe OP should simplify their problems with a nice fraction of pi.

niyah4sho 11

Lol I get it. Quite creative.

It's always great to start the day with a math problem. A math problem a day keeps the brain farts away. :)

The app is called Math Alarm. It's free, too.

You can't spell "math" using proper English, Maybe math isn't your only weakness

You should already have an alarm clock on your iPhone / Android that works fine