By Ashleigh - 02/03/2012 22:53 - Australia

Today, I installed an alarm app on my phone. Turns out, to unlock the phone and get the ringing to stop, I have to answer a maths question. It took me ten minutes to get it right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 922
You deserved it 33 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm. That seems like..... Quite a problem......

gahj 11

Lol what is that app called it's pretty cool and btw YDI for not knowing math


Why is this an FML? The op installed an alarm that worked perfectly, lol

JustDerpin 11

You can disable that, great function imo though, would you rather over sleep anna have you're boss sodomize you?

BunBunBabe 8

My bf has the same app it's so annoying

You should be able to hit the home button and get out of it. YDI for probably not reading the description of the app where it says how to disable it.

Not all devices are iPhones. Hate to break it to you.

Didn't say they were. Even on an android you should be able to get out of it easily.

omarzrgz 3

Androids have a home button too. It's says the only way to disable it is to solve the problem.

ScubaSteve96 0

You know you don't have to download an app , right? You can just goto clock and then select alarm.

Stop the god damn duck face. You look absolutely disgusting with the duck face.

I'm sorry but you look really stupid in that picture. I'd stop trying to pull off that face if I were you, it doesn't look good on anyone.

Especially you. You remind me of donald duck... In a bad way

Why is it called a duck face? It used to be the Kissy face or the puckered lip face. Then we have to involve animals?

dacman48 0

Might be because you spell it maths...