By Lastsecondstand - 06/04/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I jokingly went over to a an attractive female co-worker and said "you look like you need a hug". She told me she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to be touched. No more than 30 seconds after our encounter she ran to give one of our more attractive male co-workers a hug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 370
You deserved it 11 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are trying to cover up being horny by saying "jokingly". Maybe she actually needed some emotional comfort which she found in the other co-worker. Hope you dint have a hard on while you went for your "jokingly" hug.


balanceMMX 0

sorry to inform you, but you're probably a creeper

So, everyone here is assuming: 1. The submitter doesn't know the girl at all 2. That humor doesn't cheer people up 3. She knows the other guy better Then they call this Mr. Submitter a creeper and blame him for making assumptions. Didn't do anything wrong: FYL.

Speedyblurr 0


Maybe you are the creepy guy, or maybe she hugged the other guy cuz she's boning him. we don't know, but the fact that you specified in the first sentence that she was attractive says something. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you're not good at hiding your attraction. girls often see this as creepy. Trust me, I'm a girl. we know you want that physical contact, but we don't want to give it to a guy who makes us feel awkward because he stares at us. Is it possible that you don't pick up on subtle body language? To test the theory, you could try these: stand a little further away from her when you talk - again, I'm assuming that she feels you invade her personal space a little act a tiny bit less interested in what she's saying - but only a tiny bit! too much and you're just being rude don't initiate conversation at every possible opportunity (how many times to you start a conversation vs how many time she starts one? if you're doing it way more often, you might be the creepy guy) end conversations instead of letting them go one forever - don't wait for the awkward silence. maybe even just a "hi" as you pass her and then keep going without breaking your stride. is she always the one who ends the conversation? do you walk into her office to talk and just hang out until she says "well, I have lots of work to do, I should really get back to it"? these are all signs that she thinks you're the creepy, socially oblivious guy. Does another co-worker seem to always come in and require her attention for something? it's possible she has asked someone to help her end your long, awkward conversations so that she doesn't have to be rude to you. one last sign to look for is smiling without using her eyes. when a person smiles genuinely, they will usually raise their cheeks and squint their eyes just a bit. if she moves her mouth, but the rest of her face stays in the same spot, it shows that she is being polite, but isn't really happy to see you. If these things help, and she seems more receptive to you, then you know what you were doing wrong, and you know how to fix it. good luck!

oh, and generally "you look like you need a hug" is a creepy thing to say if you don't know somebody really well, as in at least a few personal details about them. i assume you didn't know her well because you called her "an attractive co-worker", and not "my attractive friend at work."

my ex did that when we were going out. there's a reason she's my ex

if you think that the other guys are better looking than you, then you deserve that diss by her. girls like guys who are self-confident.

I agree completely with post #68... you probably creeped her out, "you look like you need a hug" is such a creepy thing to say.

YDI for actually writing down what you're thinking.