By Lastsecondstand - 06/04/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I jokingly went over to a an attractive female co-worker and said "you look like you need a hug". She told me she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to be touched. No more than 30 seconds after our encounter she ran to give one of our more attractive male co-workers a hug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 370
You deserved it 11 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are trying to cover up being horny by saying "jokingly". Maybe she actually needed some emotional comfort which she found in the other co-worker. Hope you dint have a hard on while you went for your "jokingly" hug.


Wow, you people are awfully judging. I always offer hugs to my coworkers if they look upset. Sometimes they accept them, sometimes they don't. Of course, I also love hugs, and I'm pretty sure they all know that. ...Especially when I'm incredibly happy (in which case they don't get a choice in whether or not they're hugged), drunk, or punch one of them in the face after a brief loss of control.

Ox_Baker 0

Today, I was depressed as hell, and this fat, smelly guy with a boner offered to cheer me up with a hug. FML.

I agree with #33. It's very possible she just knew that guy better, and felt more comfortable hugging him.

abbydoll1414 0

You should pay attention to:

lol #25 i love you. your spelling of "more" made me laugh out loud

shoyu_fml 0

Are you fat and ugly? That's probably why she didn't want you to touch her. And don't even pretend that you can't tell if you're ugly.

Such a loser. If she looked like she needed a hug, and she told you that she wasn't feeling well, then that means that she was obviously having problems. She probably went to another coworker for a hug because he probably offered actual consolation, not just a 'joke hug.' Is it so hard for you to understand the subtle difference between the right time and the wrong time? Who know's, maybe you're the creepy hug guy at work...

You know when it's appropriate to hug people or offer hugs to people at work? When you know them well and you're both already really comfortable with each other. You know when it's not? When you're a creepy weirdo.

So you're that guy at work who doesn't understand social queues?

tiltwrestler 0

Ah, I can't tell which is funnier/sadder: The vicious heartlessness of today's American women... or the ineptitude of today's American men. PS I'm an American and love this country, so chill out. im just saying lol