By Lastsecondstand - 06/04/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I jokingly went over to a an attractive female co-worker and said "you look like you need a hug". She told me she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to be touched. No more than 30 seconds after our encounter she ran to give one of our more attractive male co-workers a hug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 370
You deserved it 11 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are trying to cover up being horny by saying "jokingly". Maybe she actually needed some emotional comfort which she found in the other co-worker. Hope you dint have a hard on while you went for your "jokingly" hug.


UhhOhCece126 0

Ydi for being a creeper. This story reminds me of this greasy guy I used to work with. He'd do the same basic thing and in talking to the girls they wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, especially after that..

The last thing a woman who is upset or not feeling well needs to deal with is a creepy coworker trying to take advantage of a weak moment. Maybe she needed a hug, just not from you! It's despicable of you to try to cop a feel when she was feeling low already.

Eh I feel you. I asked a girl out who said she didn't want to date anyone any time soon. Two days later my best friend and her began dating.

look buddy. she didn't want you to touch her which is her prerogative. get over it and leave her alone