By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 21:15 - Sweden - Uppsala

Today, I just about managed to convince the judge to overlook my client's emotional outbursts in the courtroom, promising that he'd be on his best behavior from now on. An hour later, he screamed "FUCK YOU!" at the judge for telling him to quiet down. I hate my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 534
You deserved it 4 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Well... Some people are beyond saving. Sucks for you!


That'd be a first, one's own lawyer telling them to shutup.

GIairborneJane 2

You must work with the clients in my treatment center for rehab on sex offenders. Some just can't be saved an its a thankless job.

Ya there's no rehabilitating sex offenders. That kind of crazy is hardwired. Im very pro rehab, just not for SOs.

Maybe you should (if you can) filter your clients...

Can't you refuse to defend someone? You shouldn't have to put up with that humiliation and the judge shouldn't deal with the disrespect!!

Hey I'd say if your a lawyer then at least you aren't doing too bad for yourself in life. I have been thinking about going into law after i finish my 2 year degree.