By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I just bought a car with all of my own money. Then, when I brought it home my dad informed me that my mom will be driving it to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 723
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redmnky21 8

you tell your dad no she wont... its your car u bought it with ur money... unless she's going to make the insurance payments on it for u and full cover it so if she wrecks it she replaces it

Midnite_2raw 5

If you want to get even report it stolen.


Shadow_Phantom 26

WTF? It's your car, tell her lazy ass to get her own. FYL.

FlonkertonChamp 6

the next time she takes it, call the cops and report it stolen.

shagoopi 2

tell um 20 grand and its theirs

Now u need to get an apt n get the heck outta there!!

Charge her each time for to drive it plus millage and gas. Make it high.

djxtones 0

Alright. I just read the viewpoint of a very self-centered parent, so I'm going to defend OP. How has the mother been getting to work this whole time? She should continue doing so. If she has lost her mode of transportation, she should ask if OP could drive her to work, not demand he turn over the car he has worked for and bought with his own money for the entire day leaving him with a car payment, insurance payment, and not benefitting from any of it. If you are a parent and you feel you are entitled to use your kids because you have had to support them financially this whole time, you should never have had kids in the first place. It was your decision to have kids; responsibility and sacrifice are part of the deal. You don't get to teach kids to be independent and then rip that independence from them when they finally do earn it. OP's dad needs to get another job to support his wife or something and let this hard working kid enjoy his newfound independence and let him learn some responsibility in the process.

That is exactly what I was saying! I can't believe how many people think the parents should be able to take OP's car away!

thank you someone who makes sense if they weren't up to the task of financially supporting another human being for 18 years or more they should have gotten an abortion or given this child up for adoptions children are not IOU's they are a responsibility we all have the choice to make, we never get paid back and those of us who are real parents would never expect it and would be happy our kids were responsible enough to save their money and buy a car on their own.. shame on this parents seems as if OP is more grown up then his parents, children do not support their parents just because they were supported by them everyone should help out family if possible where was their 50% contribution to the purchase of this car to help their responsible child out?? that is what real parents do SMDH

belchbro 0

tell that bitch to back off! lmao

Iriz 0

Tell him if she's the one that will b drivin it everyday than he should buy the car off u, than buy urself anothr car... If u don't have the gutz to tell him that atleast tell them to pay ur car insurance n gas...

totally agree. keep it on E. then they'll have to fill it up.