By I hate my brother - 20/03/2016 18:53 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I just came back from Afghanistan after a 9-month tour, and my brother asked, "How many towelheads did you kill?" He then acted offended when I smacked him upside the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 952
You deserved it 2 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isa_Marie0113 17

Thank you for your service! Sorry your brother is an insensitive and ignorant butt.


did you follow up the smack with a little education about your work and what you learned over there.

DeadxManxWalking 27

First off: Thank you for your service. secondly: most people don't realize that "towel-heads" are people too. they're not monsters. some are even forced to do so for the life of themselves and the lives of their families

If you do nothing to stop the terrorists then you're just as bad as them.

DeadxManxWalking 27

First off: Thank you for your service. secondly: most people don't realize that "towel-heads" are people too. they're not monsters. some are even forced to do so for the life of themselves and the lives of their families

catanita 18

Being a 'towel-head' do not equals a bad man. Most of them are normal people caught in someone else's political interests.

The mad thing is that idiots like your brother do not realise that the fist and main victims of military campaigns and terrorism in that region are the people he calls "towel-heads". I have a Muslim background and one guy started trash talking me on FB, my (catholic) husband told him to F off and that twat responded that I was surely planning to blow his head off in his sleep. I try to laugh at such ignorance but sometimes, it's really aggravating...

Sonotsuave 35

As an American-born middle eastern woman who still has family and friends in my home country and surrounding countries, that's beyond insensitive. As a brother he should support you, as a non-server he should know better than to bring humour into one of the most difficult professions, and as a citizen he should strive not to be such an ignorant racist individual.

He didn't deserve to be smacked. You yourself said you were on a tour in's full of towelheads and we are in a war with them.

_ravens_ 11
aelarol 5

Perhapes you can change you name.

rldostie 19

This isn't offensive just because of the racial slur. Asking a veteran (or active duty member) if they've killed someone is beyond the pale and, for some, triggering. It's asking a person to possibly relive and revisit one of the most horrific and painful experiences of their military career, all in the name of curiosity. Taking a life in the line of duty is serious and often can cause life long trauma. How anyone can ask a person to relive and casually talk about such an event is beyond understanding. It's a kind of stupidity and lack of common sense that is baffling. I just say "you shouldn't ask that" when people ask me, although it's gotten substantially better over the years. Fewer ask, but even when they did, I'm appalled by the lack of thinking behind the question. You don't have to have patience with idiots. A curt, forward, "why do you think that's an acceptable question," often brings them back to reality.

Exactly, 50. It's a voyeuristic attempt to get people to relive some of the worst times of their life because someone wants to rubberneck at the scene of the crash without risking their own safety/sanity for a front row seat. I know some just don't know better and wouldn't ask if they did, but it still makes me speechlessly angry. I'm glad it's decreasing.